During an unprecedented time of uncertainty, the Kentucky Association of Hospice and Palliative Care and its member organizations are working harder than ever to protect and serve our patients and families. We are making sure that our physicians, nurses and other staff continue to stay safe and informed, as they continue to provide the best services possible during these trying times.

Who We Are

Kentucky Association of Hospice and Palliative Care is a non-profit state organization representing the hospices and palliative care organizations throughout the Commonwealth. Kentucky’s hospices cover all 120 counties in the state and are comprised of free standing hospice programs, hospital based programs and programs that are in conjunction with home health programs.

Hospice is a philosophy of care which:

  • Seeks to enable patients to continue an alert, pain-free life
  • Assists in managing symptoms to ensure dignity
  • Affirms life and does not hasten or postpone death
  • Treats the person rather than the disease
  • Focuses on quality of life
  • Promotes self-determination, as patients and their family make their own decisions
  • Is available in homes, hospitals, nursing homes and inpatient facilities
  • Provides a holistic approach, encompassing compassionate physical care, emotional and spiritual support

What is Hospice?

Considered to be the model for quality, compassionate care for people facing life-threatening illness or injury, hospice and palliative care involve a team-oriented approach to end-of-life medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to the patient’s needs and wishes. Support is provided to the patient’s loved ones as well.

Hospice is a philosophy of caring for the terminally ill. The focus of hospice relies on the belief that each of us has the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and that our loved ones will receive the
necessary support to allow us to do so. The focus is on caring, not curing and in most cases, care is provided in the patient’s home.

All of the programs in Kentucky are non-profit entities.

Kentucky Association of Hospice and Palliative Care is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, comprised of the Executive Directors of each member organization. Kentucky Association of Hospice and Palliative Care has three classes of membership including provider members, those agencies, programs or institutions licensed to provide hospice, palliative, and end of life care in the
Commonwealth of Kentucky; associate members, non-hospice organizations that have expressed or demonstrated an interest in hospice, palliative and end of life care in Kentucky; and individual
membership, persons who wish to support the philosophies of hospice, palliative, and end of life care.

Kentucky Association of Hospice and Palliative Care
Contact us !

202 W. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

Phone: (888) 322-7317
Fax: (888) 755-6531

Email Us

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